, pub-8136553845885747, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Dear Future Historians


A Dynamic (or chaotic) Index of: Lila, An inquiry into morals by Robert M Pirsing

(MOQ) Metaphysics of Quality/Value: pp. 32, 68 (Cultural), 74-79 (not specific/nothing vague), 81- (84 Value = experience) 85 (primary reality), 95-(99 laws to define quality)101, 104, 118- (119 Quality = Morality) 121, 127, 130, 183, 185-188, 259, 289, 294, 309, 323, 328-329, 348-378, 424-426, 440 (arete), 442 (Rta-Sanskrit for ‘cosmic order of things.’)


My sermon on the mount

Blessed be those who read to listen and not to judge.

Blessed be those who keep their eyes open not only to look at the form, but to see the context, for they will be the first to hear the new narratives.


The Moon hanging from a Tree, or something (Flash Fiction)

 As I am preparing my rope with reverence, I am wondering what Odin was thinking during the nine days that he was hanging from the tree of life, how he filled his mind with pride of his humbleness.

What a jerk! That is what all gods have in common, I suppose.