, pub-8136553845885747, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Dear Future Historians


Inherited guilt

Dear future historian,

Sorry. I had two days of going out for post office, grocery shopping and stuff.. and I just didn't find any time to write to you. This lockdown made me realise how much energy I loose when I go out with a 'to do list' and how happy I am at home. (At least I hugged a Tree.)
I.. how can I tell you that?
Well, just some days before the pandemic was known and the lockdown was a thing I wished to stay home for 6 months. I just felt exhausted, and I could tell that I needed a break.


We are all stories in the end, just make it a good one

Dear future historian,

Today feels weird. Not sure why.
A mix of too much and nothingness, boredom and stress, overload and not enough stimulation.
It took me like forever to make an add on Facebook for my book. Then I spend some time contemplating on how unrelated you are, my dear future historian, with my book, and how confusing it might be for my Facebook page visitors to see my letters to you, when my 'buy now' button is a mindfulness book. And after that most of my 'free-time' was spend on 'kitchen trips' in search for snacks -that I ending up not eating, because I get anorexic when I'm stressed- and some ADHDing (as I use to call that, like going up and down for no specific reason.) In general, a lot of disappointment on my self and a lot of doubt on my life's and marketing's skills.


Dear future historian (26 June 2020)

Dear future historian,

Wow. Today I got the best review that I could possibly hope for my book!
And you know from whom?
Remember Dayna Martin? The unschooler writer, children's advocate, etc, that I follow for more than a decade (that I mentioned on the 23rd of June?) A real role model for me, for years now.
Yes! Actually, really, unbelievably.. from her! Defenatly a big even to write about in my diary.
May all the big events for me, you, and my contemporary readers be as positive as this one, my dear future historian.

The review: