, pub-8136553845885747, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Dear Future Historians


Thoughts in a nutshell-loop

 27 January 2022

Dear Future Historian,

I finally gave another assignment and I realized—again—that this is not winter 2021, but winter 2022. So, I need to gather material for the next book in the ‘Dear Future Historian—weird timeline—something.’ For the new ones here, I’m making a four-books series. Summer-Autumn-Winter-Spring. However, I had the ‘brilliant’ idea that it would be cool (what was I thinking, and who says cool anymore?!) to have them be Summer 2020, Autumn 2021, Winter 2022, and then next year publish the Spring 2023. Winter has not much left before spring comes, but I’ve only written six posts so far.


Lexi-Crisis II 'Empathy'

 Dear Reader,

I am Story and I have a tale to share with you. It’s about our last Christmas party in which Empathy had a bit of an identity crisis. 

Before I start, I need to inform you about a technicality. In Greek some words are female, some male, and some are actually non-binary. For example, Enigma and Chaos reflect the later. I will refer to them as such.


The Drama Triangle

 Dear future historian,


I wrote about Gaslighting last time.

Very difficult matter to comment on.

I’m still struggling to put order into the Chaos of the so called ‘female hero myth,’ as Jordan Peterson puts it. The frog/Prince. The brainwashing of narratives that you can transform a narcissist if you love him enough. (Tried that. Not working.)