, pub-8136553845885747, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Dear Future Historians: January 2024


'Kinder' stage play

By Lotous Michalopoulou 

Cast of Characters:

Daphne: Neurodiverse mature student (Me), early forties

Muse: Daphne’s Alter ego, uses her voice, invisible to other characters.

Thea: Daphne’s Aunt (father’s side), mid-twenties

Zoe: Thea’s girlfriend, mid-twenties, nurse

Olga: Daphne’s older half-sister (mum’s side), late fifties, director and producer of documentaries in Greek National TV

Katie: early forties, Support worker from a theatre group for disabled people that Daphne is attending.

Preferred stage: Proscenium arch stage