Showing posts with label Reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reviews. Show all posts


A Dynamic (or chaotic) Index of: Lila, An inquiry into morals by Robert M Pirsing

(MOQ) Metaphysics of Quality/Value: pp. 32, 68 (Cultural), 74-79 (not specific/nothing vague), 81- (84 Value = experience) 85 (primary reality), 95-(99 laws to define quality)101, 104, 118- (119 Quality = Morality) 121, 127, 130, 183, 185-188, 259, 289, 294, 309, 323, 328-329, 348-378, 424-426, 440 (arete), 442 (Rta-Sanskrit for ‘cosmic order of things.’)


How my Flare Audio Hero saved me from the Dragon of the washing machine!!

Before my late diagnosis in the autism spectrum, I had no idea about my sensory issues. And no amount of observational skills could help me realise my sensory sensitivity with only myself as a reference. 


My sunflower scheme interview is on YouTube

 Dear future historian,

I have an assessment left in a couple of days, and some other stuff I must first do, before I can enjoy your company again; but.. my sunflower scheme interview is on YouTube, and I thought to share the links with you here.

Quick question (20 seconds) :

Chat (4min 31sec) :



Be kind to children to change the world

Dear future historian,

Lets see.. where to start here? I read, some days ago, a book 'The explosive child' (by Ross W Greene PhD).. and I feel so ready to explode (a 'must read' book.)