‘Write. All rooms are quiet now. Only the moon light. No one will call. Get up, turn on the laptop, and write.’
‘I’m sleeping.’
‘You’re talking guff.’
google.com, pub-8136553845885747, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
‘Write. All rooms are quiet now. Only the moon light. No one will call. Get up, turn on the laptop, and write.’
‘I’m sleeping.’
‘You’re talking guff.’
Dear Future Historian, 06/07/2023 Canterbury UK
I am so depressed today. Let me rephrase that. I feel so
depressed today. The attention to detail in language, especially the written one
I suppose, is crucial. I do not identify with my depression. Thus, it is not
that I am, me personally, depressed as a state of being. Depression is an
add-on. Something that I feel, but it’s not me. Like a smell. Like a thought.
This is what meditation and mindfulness are teaching. Detachment from negative
thoughts and feelings. You cannot make them disappear, you cannot pause them,
you cannot mute them. Still, when you realise that you can just let them be as
a noise in the background, then you can just continue your life—almost as
if—they’re not even there.
However, you should never try to shut them up. There comes a point where, you realise that the background voices aren’t your enemy at all. They are just super anxious and over-conscious guards. Warning systems. But, not like a bot (no offence my dear Bots). Or, if like bots, then like the ones in the Black Mirror episode, the one that you got a conscious and sentient bot version of yourself, to set up the thermostat in your house and make your toast.
The other day, one of my friends on Facebook was trying to introduce to me a 'new' miraculous way of thinking that will help me: overcome the health problems that (according to my social media feed) I have been accumulating, due to my 'wrong' way of thinking! This made obvious to me that most of you do not really know who I am, and it is understandable to make wrong conclusions, when all I’m giving you is random posts, connected to my here-and-now, unrelated with my story thread. So, let me introduce myself.
Dear future historian,
I am, as I’m writing this, number 18th in the medical
centre's phone queue. I'm waiting 45 min already. I was number 30 in the queue
when this call started.
Let me introduce you to the story:
Dear Future Historian,
Today I was informed indirectly, by her psychologist, that I don't exist cause she's not crazy enough! I believe the way it was phrased was: It’s time you admit the fact that even you know that she does not exist… because you aren’t schizophrenic; you're just autistic with big imagination.