
Red-eyes-evil characters in cartoons

Dear future historian,

Has people spotted yet in your time the fact that red-eyes-evil characters in cartoons promote skin colour racism?
I noticed that my 6-year-old is really convinced that all bad guys can be spotted by their eye colour.
I don't even know where to start with that!
That stereotype first of all tricks children into the idea that malevolence is spottable.


Good morning Sun

‘Good night Sun. Good night. Bring something good with you tomorrow, please, and I will try to write something beautiful, to offer you’, the girl said to the Sun. And then she was lost in the shadows, behind the hill. 
The Sun was surprised! It had been centuries since someone spoke to him. It was not that this girl had something special. Or that he used to deal with such kind of requests. It was just... It has been a while that no one had asked him anything at all, no one had promised him anything.


Thank you all so much for your support

My book yesterday got 1st on the 'Hot New Releases' Gaia Amazon list!
Thank you all so much for your support.

'Anything Worth Doing is Worth Doing Badly'

Dear future historian,

As you might know I published my first book on Amazon. In a way it was like what Jordan Peterson say: 'Anything Worth Doing is Worth Doing Badly’.
I had many layout and other issues because I didn't use a template in the beginning. Not that I didn't know I should. But... I forgot! The thing is I let these things stop me up until now. But as much as I have my differences with some of Peterson's opinions -mostly about child raising, and his refusal to see the reality of women's depression though out history- I can't but admit that his message has changed my life.


My Mindfulness book! 'Elementation. Hug a Tree'.

Hug a Tree 

The aim of this book is to equip you with ways of coping with the stresses of daily and modern life. The skill of coping under pressure enables you to live your life to your full potential and to be 'the writer of your own story', as well as 'the manifestor of your own dreams'. I have included a set of routines that I developed in the last twenty years. Combining the knowledge that I have gained in my quest for ways to naturally cope with my own stress, being that I am autistic and prone to anxiety. My hope is that it will enrich your life as much as it has mine.
Listed in this book, are some easy techniques and some ways of meditating on the four elements of Nature: Earth, Fire, Air, and Water. Moreover, I have included some additional practices that will help you in your daily life, if you make them a part of your daily routine.  
US Review: 


Dear Future Historian

02/02/2020    02:02am    Canterbury   UK

Dear Future Historian:

First global palindrome day in 909 years!
Came home from work at 10:30pm and I’m sleepy since midnight, but I promised to myself I will be awake at 02:02. Not sure exactly what I had in mind; but, thanx to Netflix and wine, here I am. So… cheers, I guess.
May we watch series and drink wine in 03/03/3030.