
'Anything Worth Doing is Worth Doing Badly'

Dear future historian,

As you might know I published my first book on Amazon. In a way it was like what Jordan Peterson say: 'Anything Worth Doing is Worth Doing Badly’.
I had many layout and other issues because I didn't use a template in the beginning. Not that I didn't know I should. But... I forgot! The thing is I let these things stop me up until now. But as much as I have my differences with some of Peterson's opinions -mostly about child raising, and his refusal to see the reality of women's depression though out history- I can't but admit that his message has changed my life.

It took me two weeks to solve my layout issues, because I additionally suddenly had Office Word problems, with my laptop! I took deep breaths, I hugged trees, I meditated on the water and the Sun. All these techniques that I had already, for almost two decades, in my Elementation book, written 10 years ago and then forgotten. The fear of failure and my perfectionism, had paralysed me.
And then, in 2018, I heard Dr Jordan Peterson saying, 'Anything Worth Doing is Worth Doing Badly’. I watched his entire Biblical series. 'Maps of Meaning' (at first on Youtube and then Audible), 'Personality and its transformations'; I read '12 rules for Life' and got his 'Future Authoring Program.'
Still, I had to wait for the pandemic, that filled the social media with people hugging trees, to cope with social distancing rules.

And one morning I knew that it was time for me to publish the book; gaining my confidence from the power of this techniques, instead of my imaginary will-have-somehow-one-day perfection. 
Perfection is a process. You can't start your journey if you don't even take the first step. So, when the technical issues occurred, I didn't have the illusion anymore that it could, or even should, be perfect. I surly spend days trying to fix it. I did the best I could. And I did eventually manage -with the help of my friend and editor, Jay Leonard Schwartz- to fix them. But I didn't have any more the naivety to think that I was the only one that didn't know, before actually learning.

Being autistic, for most of my life undiagnosed, I am prone to anxiety and self-blame. Each autistic person is different. But most of us face similar difficulties. The Elementation techniques has helped me to survive my undiagnosed era. After years of struggle, when I found out about my autism, I was finally able to deal with my sensory overload, since before I didn't even have the knowledge to identify it.
But it was only after Peterson shifted my mind and lifted the burden of my fear of failure, that I was able to take the first step. I registered with the Open University, in 2018. And now I am finally sharing with you my techniques, having the confidence in their power to balance your energy levels and connect you with Nature. I wish, future historian, that you could answer me back. 

But this message, is more towards my contemporary citizens of the World. With the hope that we will take the first steps, that will hopefully lead to a place we'll be proud to have provided for you, my dear future historian. A World of Meaning. 

And the only think I can say to everyone that bought my book, before I managed to change the layout, is… well, I hope that I will became known enough one day, to give you the opportunity to bit it on Ebay, as a rare, first edition copy. Thank you all for supporting me.
Find my book at:
(Look it up in your region's Amazon.)

Find the full biblical studies of Jordan Peterson at:

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