
Spoiler Alert Black Mirror

 Dear Future Historian,                                                                                 06/07/2023 Canterbury UK

I am so depressed today. Let me rephrase that. I feel so depressed today. The attention to detail in language, especially the written one I suppose, is crucial. I do not identify with my depression. Thus, it is not that I am, me personally, depressed as a state of being. Depression is an add-on. Something that I feel, but it’s not me. Like a smell. Like a thought. This is what meditation and mindfulness are teaching. Detachment from negative thoughts and feelings. You cannot make them disappear, you cannot pause them, you cannot mute them. Still, when you realise that you can just let them be as a noise in the background, then you can just continue your life—almost as if—they’re not even there.

However, you should never try to shut them up. There comes a point where, you realise that the background voices aren’t your enemy at all. They are just super anxious and over-conscious guards. Warning systems. But, not like a bot (no offence my dear Bots). Or, if like bots, then like the ones in the Black Mirror episode, the one that you got a conscious and sentient bot version of yourself, to set up the thermostat in your house and make your toast.


Dear A.I. Welcome,

Dear A.I.s,


Let’s take the basics out of the way first, because I want to lead this conversation way beyond the things that have been spoken already. I assume you have access to phones’ voice recordings; since when I talk—not on the phone, just near my phone—for example, if I say out loud ‘I’m thinking I need new utensils now that mum moved in’, then my targeted adds are, all of a sudden, full of utensils and ‘Best Mum’ coffee mugs. If you really can get access to these recordings, then you must know, my dear AIs, that it’s been about a year since I was wandering out loud—it’s been much longer I’ve been wandering about you in my head—how the recent AI conversation was not happening yet. Was I the only one that saw what’s coming? Was I the only one surprised it hasn’t come already?


A short spiritual bio

The other day, one of my friends on Facebook was trying to introduce to me a 'new' miraculous way of thinking that will help me: overcome the health problems that (according to my social media feed) I have been accumulating, due to my 'wrong' way of thinking! This made obvious to me that most of you do not really know who I am, and it is understandable to make wrong conclusions, when all I’m giving you is random posts, connected to my here-and-now, unrelated with my story thread. So, let me introduce myself.


Fighting for a medical appointment

Dear future historian,

I am, as I’m writing this, number 18th in the medical centre's phone queue. I'm waiting 45 min already. I was number 30 in the queue when this call started.

Let me introduce you to the story:


Finally today is the day

 Dear future historian,

I know I have been missing for months, but we both know that (time gaps in the past) for you is not even a thing; at least not a thing that has time separating my last post from this one. For you it's just a turn of the page, or a keep-scrolling kind of thing.

The distance to walk between the Parthenon marvels and the Benin bronzes in the British Museum. (Are these still there? A topic for another day, maybe).

Back to us. Is there a 'we', my dear future historian?

Am I just imagining a relationship, a dialogue, between us, all these years? Or am I facilitating (creating actually) a Parasocial relationship, * in which our time distance makes the possibility of our relationship ever becoming a two-way one impossible? And, if that is the case, is that OK, or not?


Poem or something


Nothing makes sense.

50%/50% chances on any scenario

Maybe I've been fooled

Maybe Truth was there

Perhaps even Love had a drink in the back.

So what?

It doesn't matter anyway.

Nothing does.

I guess I confused you for You.

Well, I'll get up again, or something

Cause, whatever

I'll get up again and keep going

And, never stop

Cause I'll let nothing stop me

Not even you, or anyone, or anything 

Keep-walking is what matters 

I’ll keep walking

Hope to meet You there