
My autism diagnosis is finally official!

Dear Future historian,

It is finally official! Today was my assessment and I can now declare myself as proudly autistic, with a diagnosis.

Wow! About 3 years in a w8ing* list, 2 years before that till I actually take the courage to get in that list, and b4** that 34 years of ignorance.. of not knowing why I am so different from most people, and so similar to a few.

So.. this story starts with a night dream. That, for some -not vary clearly- reason, led me wake up declaring that my unborn (then) child was a boy and his name was Jason! Not I named him Jason. Somehow, it’s supposed that his name was already Jason.

I was only 3 weeks pregnant, so I have no idea how I was so sure about his gender, or how the name idea came about in my head. Well, Jason is a Greek name, Iason, that comes from the word ‘iasis,’ which means healing.

Now, looking back, I finally understand what the dream and his name mean. His autism diagnosis led me to research about autism, something that I would never do b4** and that’s when my struggles and differences where finally explained.

The w8ing* list was forever, and that was annoying, in a way though I needed that 3 years to prosses my feelings about autism and to be able now to embrace my diagnosis and talk openly about it. So I am grateful for the w8ing list, and mostly to the NHS.  Now I can final sing like Rebecca Bunch ;-)


Mostly though I am happy because now I can show to my children that they can be proud of their autism. They can have a normal life, with high goals, fighting the dragons of Chaos.. saving the Kingdome, love and be loved, go to university, have a family, go to Mars, the Moon.. whatever.

And maybe, just maybe.. my writings can help my contemporaries, both in the UK and in Greece.. to #normilizeautism, so the next generations autistics, my kid’s generation, will be included in the society without them having to fight for it.

P.S.I. I don’t think I can keep the one-post-a-day idea. Good think I never actually announced it. I will try to make a more study schedule soon, but I will post for now at least every 3 days.

P.S.II. Thanx for helping me again to channel my overwhelmingness, my dear future historian. I hope that you live in a more autistic-friendly society.

P.S. III. She also put me in a w8ing* list for an ADHD assessment.





  1. Εισαι απο την γέννηση σου ενα Θαυμαα αφού χαρη σέ Σενα εμεις οι γονεις σου μειναμε ζωντανοι και ειμαστε περιφανοι για Ολα οσα δημιουργείς

  2. Very beautiful post! You are amazing! Keep the great inspiring work❤️

  3. Wow, thank you so so much. I needed the encouragement today. It motivates me to keep sharing my writings, to know that people appreciate them and engage with them. When I get comments it reminds me that I am not only writing for the dear future historians. ;-) <3 <3

  4. We are waiting too not only future historian :) for your writing please keep sharing and inspiring the world needs it. Some will read silently without commenting and some will do. Don’t let anything de motivate you. Much love ❤️
    Thank you once again
