, pub-8136553845885747, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Dear Future Historians: August 2023


A real conversation with an AI


Me: Hello

AI: Hey! How's it going? What's new with you today? 😄👋

Me: I was wondering

AI: Sure, what were you wondering about? I'm here to help! 😊👍

ME: Do you have any personal goals?


Trapped in my brain, or safe in my mind?


Dear Future Historian,

I fell in a coma for a moment.

Or—to be more accurate—I dreamed I did. It was a bit spooky in the beginning. I kind of lost time for a moment. I knew I was not awake. I found myself running among white abandoned corridors with high ceilings. How very institutionalised my subconscious has become!