Showing posts with label Dear Future Historian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dear Future Historian. Show all posts


Anthology 2

 Dear Future Historian,

My cat has no idea about the pandemic. No clue at all. She is just laying here carelessly, on her cushion-bed, completely unaware that this is the first time that I am living in something you see on the ‘news.’ It’s a bit like being inside a post-apocalyptic movie, hoping it’s not a Tarantino film.


My sunflower scheme interview is on YouTube

 Dear future historian,

I have an assessment left in a couple of days, and some other stuff I must first do, before I can enjoy your company again; but.. my sunflower scheme interview is on YouTube, and I thought to share the links with you here.

Quick question (20 seconds) :

Chat (4min 31sec) :



Topic: boundaries

Dear Future Historian,

So.. tomorrow morning, I have a recording about my sunflower lanyard! That's quite exiting. But, as you know by now my dear future Historian.. I am not totally coping lately. I have two assignments due coming Thursday, and I haven't written, but 340 words so far. Also, I have neglected you. And.. you know. When I neglect you that always mean that I neglect myself. Today I had an epiphany. Well, not sure if it counts as epiphany, because Dayna Martin helped me get to that realization.. but still. It was like she was my muse.


Just thought to say hi, before I sleep

 Dear future historian,

I really missed you.

But I had to overcome a bit of a burn out, a bit of break up, a bit of paperwork, a bit of rearranging the house, regaining a room.. (remember that I had 'ask' for one?* Well.. I have one now! - still same house.) Long story short: I missed you.

(* )

It's my name day today. Facebook reminded me, I had totally forgotten.


Autism parenting stories

Dear Future Historian,

I had two home labours.

Not really because I am brave, but because I was with my sister when she had her baby, in a private posh clinic. She was induced, but then they didn't let her push because her doctor was late, and the happy ending of a beautiful, healthy boy distracted us from the fact that that night, her first night as a mum, she didn't stop crying on my solder, after 26 hours in a labour that could last much less. I was 19 then and didn't pay much attention to the underlying PTSD that I also got that night.

My new book is ready!

Did you like my Dear Future Historian blog?

Do you wish you could touch it? Hold it like a teddy bear? Put it under your pillow? Offer it as a precious gift to your loved ones?
Do you get tired of reading from a screen, and wished you could have it on paper?
I worked hard to make all these wishes come true.
Available for purchase on Amazon. 


Stay safe and take care


 Dear future historian,

Wow! My summer blog-posting challenge is officially completed! Now a new season is about to start, a season with uni and school commutes.


On dreams

 Dear Future Historian,


Let’s talk about dreams. The, so called, 5th dimension. This mythopoetic realm of Chronos. Where time is irrelevant, and continuity unnecessary. The best efforts of our subconscious to talk to us, according to Carl Jung.


My weirdest story

Dear future historian,


In my bucket list I 'had to' be somewhere ancient in 2000 New Year’s Eve. Somewhere historically interesting. I had been in Athens a gazillion times, so I thought to go to Rome, since the Pyramids were too expensive. Having a limited budget, I went with a private coach company, with a very financially attractive package. It was supposed we'd do an Italy tour, and spent New Year’s Eve in Rome.


Miracle engineering

8:10 am

Dear future historian,


Sometimes we already have what we asked for, and we don't even know, we don’t even notice. I saw a tree some days ago, that reminded me of one of my stories. It looked like another important tree of my life.


On free will


Dear future historian,


I had lovely walks in the last two days. I know everyone is boiling, but I love this whether. I am usually cold and because I get sensory issues with cloths, I need to wear many layers to not be cold, and then I get claustrophobic in my own skin (actually cloths.) In this weather finally I feel free, with just one layer.


Some more Sartre

 10:18 pm

Dear future historian,

Let’s stay a bit more on the topic of self-creation. *

I agree with Jean-Paul Sartre’s key ideas. **

In contrast of a chair, humans create their blueprints themselves. Using materials from their ancestor’s genes and legends, and each of them combines that with their own experiences, shaped by their choices, to create the prototype for the next generations. They, when their turn comes, will keep changing that ideal, to leave their legacy to their progeny. In a way there is a shape-shifting archetypal ideal, that perpetually changes, and each of us takes part in its endless creation.


'Every choice reveals what we think a human being should be'


Dear future historian,


Remember my Sartre comment last time? At uni's forum now they speak about self-creation, Sartre, the idea that a certain human nature isn't a thing.. and all that.

The conversation started by a tutor with this video:

What strikes me most in that idea is that: 'According to Sartre, every choice reveals what we think a human being should be.'


Interconnection, through-out history

Dear future historian,


The thought of you started when I was a child. One day, when I was about 9 or something, I saw the coolest thing I had seen so far. Archaeologists discovering skeletons, just a block from our flat. Greece is full of ancient stuff if you dig (the metro in Thessaloniki is being paused by ancient discoveries about a million times by now (since the '80s!)


Tough love

3:23 Μ.Μ.

Dear future historian,


I still can't really swim. Born and raised in Greece, where almost everyone knows. When I was 6, I had a panic attack, when the military-minded dad of one of my peers tried to teach me how to swim using tough-love methods. He just left me where I..


Thoughts of Immortality

Thursday 30/07/2020 7:56pm

Dear future historian,

Still most of my peers at uni think immortality is a terrible idea (In the philosophy forum.)

As I might have mentioned before, I was -and still am- quite surprised when I started this ongoing conversation, about 20 years ago, and I found out how much everyone seemed to be terrified by thoughts of immortality. Even death seems less scary to most people that endless life.


Adulting (and support network)

Dear future historian,

Bitter sweet today (29/07/2020).. My only 3 friends in the city are leaving. 'Party' night, but with the separation sadness. It's not that I am alone, I have my mum and my kids, but it's nice to have a wide support network. And now my friends will leave, and it's not like the pandemic leaves many opportunities to meet new people. So, now I have no one nearby to have a 'socially-distance' meeting.. only FB** calls.
Most of my friends are in the sea side in Greece and I hate them anyway.  😛
I would be in Greece too now, we had plain tickets for a trip to Thessaloniki. We cancelled after the lockdown. We live in weird times. Yet, as humans, what we do best is to adapt. And we will. And life will go on. Hopefully with us.


My self-diagnosis notes

Dear future historian,

I decided to take the risk and announce that I will try -just try for now- to write every other day, actually every even number date of the calendar, at least by midnight. At least till uni starts.
Today I thought to share with you the list that I mentioned** I did, b4* my diagnosis, of 'why I think I am autistic.' 
Post-diagnosis (the official one) is a time for re-telling -without any doubt anymore- my whole life's story for me now, so I am in a reading-old-files/diaries mode.


Existential terror crises

Dear future historian,




I am having a small existential terror crisis, Steven-Fryed induced, bless him. So, remember the ‘Victorian secrets?’ Apparently, the Spiritual movement started as a ripple effect, by some ‘Fox sisters,’ that fraud people using.. sound effects (!) to convince ppl* they communicate with ghosts. So.. you know, then YouTube algorithm suggested Fry's documentary, that he speaks about being bipolar and gives a brief description of how the manic episodes manifest differently on each person; in some it can be something like a religious fever, or god-syndrome, or.. spirituality obsession. Then Sam Harris in a podcast the other day talked about fraud-gurus..



Dear future historian,

There is a tiny numbness, after my diagnoses. But it is not caused by it. Quite the opposite. I feel like if the un-officiality of my self-diagnosis (not to mention the years of ignorance b4* that,) had deeply affected my understanding of myself and my needs.

Many people don’t understand the reason to seek a piece of paper to make it official. Others don’t even understand why someone would get to the trouble of research to self-diagnose. And all reactions are valid. I am only sharing my story, in the hope to help create, for you my dear future historian, a more inclusive world.