
'Every choice reveals what we think a human being should be'


Dear future historian,


Remember my Sartre comment last time? At uni's forum now they speak about self-creation, Sartre, the idea that a certain human nature isn't a thing.. and all that.

The conversation started by a tutor with this video:


What strikes me most in that idea is that: 'According to Sartre, every choice reveals what we think a human being should be.'

Even if we don't see it, the complaints that we are so much influenced by society, by dead-people's-peer-pressure, that same thought can only mean that our own choices, our own stories, will affect (if not obviously, if not contemporarily,) .. they will surely affect human kind, history, you.. my dear future historian.

I write you this letters with great sense of responsibility, realising the multitude of my (all of us) ripple-effect-power..

This burden has stopped me from writing anything at all for decades. Now though, I feel more ready to admit that I am still exploring for answers and take you with me to this journey.

The meta-meta-hero-journey, the one that will define the archetypical meta-hero journey of your world, my dear future historian. But I encourage you also to be cautious of the legends you make, for your future historians.

I could write you for hours, but I need to go again. If you'd like thought (how nice it would if you could also tell me what you'd like, if it makes you feel any better, my contemporaries are not much more active into commending so far than you,) anyway, I was saying maybe I'll continue this thought next time. Maybe not.


Note to self: what do you mean 'maybe?' Why don't you just pick up one or the other, and avoid 'maybes?' What was all this talk about choices and responsibility, and using the confinements of our physiology and environment to freely create our selves, and to do that you need to willingly accept the fact that you need to make choices (Did I mention that part?) 

Answer to self: Can I create myself tomorrow? I am too sleepy now. 


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