
Thoughts of Immortality

Thursday 30/07/2020 7:56pm

Dear future historian,

Still most of my peers at uni think immortality is a terrible idea (In the philosophy forum.)

As I might have mentioned before, I was -and still am- quite surprised when I started this ongoing conversation, about 20 years ago, and I found out how much everyone seemed to be terrified by thoughts of immortality. Even death seems less scary to most people that endless life.

‘Men have made death into their escape route,’ The School of Gods Stefano D’Anna.

What most shocked me was the connection no one made to the possibility of being able -since its 'done' once to you- to find a way to make your loved ones immortal. No one made the connection of immortality and the possibility of Love (with partners, kids and friends) Forever.

Oh, no.. sorry, I forgot. Some did make that connection. And they weren't ashamed to admit that a possibility like that would be like hell on Earth for them! Their only fear was the possibility of life-death cycles, reincarnating in 'teams' again and again. If that's not the case, then death is a kind of salvation it seems from bad relationships, brushing your teeth…

Sorry I have to go.


Friday 31/07/2020 10:04pm

Dear future historian,


Where were we? Oh yes, we left it where people would prefer to die than keep brushing their teeth for 1000 years or stay with their 'loved ones.'

Oups, I have to go again.


Sunday 2/8/2020

Dear future historian,


Yesterday I.. again didn’t write to you. But I only said every even number day of the calendar so, I decided to not get upset with myself for having the word file open all day and not adding a single word. It is a very thin line, to not let yourself procrastinate but also allow yourself some time off, some time to relax.

Anyway, back to our topic. ‘The salvation of death.’ How people find noble to die and sacrifice for their loved ones, but hellish to live forever with them. Except if they are in a movie, or a book, a poem, a song, a legend, a myth..

The think with relationships is that they are like a mirror. And most of us don’t want to know how we look like, what kind of people we are, what kind of people we attract. And when, inevitably in a life-long relationship, we do SEE.. then we create stories in our heads that try to explain the other person (the mirror image) without us in the equation. And then we hope death will come before our cover-story is revealed for what is really is, an excuse, a false-news story that makes as a martyr and covers every trace of our responsibility.

People would easily die for their loved ones, but who would Live for them.. with them?


There is only one serious question. And that is: Who knows how to make love stay?

Answer me that and I will tell you whether or not to kill yourself.

Answer me that and I will ease your mind about the beginning and end of time.

Answer me that and I will reveal to you the purpose of the moon.

Tom Robbins, Still Life With Woodpecker


The point of life of course is not to stay in bad relationships, in order to know your bad self better, or whatever. The point is not actually there at all, maybe, and if we are to set our own purpose, we better be smarter that that. Sometimes people just need to move forward, releasing each other, and that’s OK. That helps to avoid the death-escape-plan. And it is a shame that society, family and friends, usually make this so much more awkward that is had to be.

In a way it is when we allow dead-relationships and deadly-mindsets to.. die, when we don’t stay in a zombie situation.. that we can avoid death-thoughts.

Still.. the question remains..

Who knows how to make love stay?

 I like Jason Silva's ideas on that:


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