
Anxiety (22 June 2020)

Dear future historian,


Have I told you how I panic over everything?
My day starts with a list, unrealistically long, and it ends with frustration at the un-checked tasks.
Why don't I readjust the length of the list? I thought you'd ask me that. My dear dear, naive, future historian.
I dont know if you live with AI house-robots, or in a post-apocalyptic scenario of the future, but a to-do list of people in 2020 is crazy.
Add uni and 2 kids and the expectations are beyond the 24 hours of the day.
Now.. add autism, OCD, ADHD and dyspraxia symptoms, and BAMM! You got yourself a recipe for anxiety. 
I do try. And I do get better at my planing skills.
I could get into more detail about how I lack the skill to adjust quickly in transition between tasks, or my lack of consecration when I get interapted; but then I should also elaborate on my superpowers of super-consecration, or my attention to detail and other abilities that accompany the stuggles of neurodiversity. But there is already plenty of bibliography for these matters.
So the main purpose of me telling you all that today is to let you know that the days when I don't write to you much, or even at all, please forgive me, my dear future historian. And know that am always thinking about you and my contemporary readers.
Stay safe and take care.

* Image made by Christina Christidou

Also you could check on Amazon my book.
It's an easy guide on how to meditate with nature and cope with everyday stress.

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