
Poem: If all the MEs

If all the MEs that spend the night alone could meet.. we'd have the best night ever! 
It would be a hot-summer, full-moon, clear-sky night.
We'd talk about ideas, ask for advice, do different things to our hair, watch a movie..
We'd laugh and weep and sing..
If all the MEs ever met.. maybe the World would come to an end.
It would still be a great night though!
And then I'm thinking..
Maybe happiness isn't to have someone every night to spend with..
Maybe happiness is to be in such harmony with your selves.. that if you ever met your YOUs.. it would be the best night ever!


  1. Such an idea. I often think that if I could meet myself I would say, you go and have a rest - I will do this for you. Then later we could tell each other all the things that we can tell nobody else.

    1. <3 I know Sci-Fi has warned us that a meeting with other-selves (whether from alternative universes, or just another time) might jeopardize the stability of the time-continuity, and possibly the Universe itself.. but that's so unfair, I think.
      Maybe it would harmonise everything instaid.. why not? ;-)
